4 mins read

The Impracticality of Perfection

It doesn’t matter if you’re expecting, or if you have three children. Your child can be an infant, a third grader, or heading off to college this summer. As moms, we strive to give our children the best, and at many times, we strive to be the best, too. We envision ourselves as being highly…

4 mins read

Girls’ Night Out – Mommy Needs MeTime Too

Three beautiful words that always seem to light up the faces of whoever utters them. Back in the day, it meant putting on your favorite pair of Seven jeans and going on the prowl for Mr. Right-dancing the night away at your favorite club and eating Jack in the Box at three in the morning. And when I did find Mr. Right, I was so smitten that I was willing to gain seventy pounds, not …

4 mins read

Are They Kids or Piglets?

I grew up in a chaotically messy home, with a busy mom who disdained cleaning AND cleaning women. Our cats litter box was changed approximately every three years. If the screen door ripped, it stayed ripped. Half the food in the fridge was covered in green and white fuzzy mold.

4 mins read

Playground Politics

Two weeks ago, I happened to call an old friend who lives in Ohio, with whom I speak once a year or so. Before I could even ask how the kids were, my friend launched into a fiery political diatribe that caught me by surprise.

5 mins read

Why I Caved on Facebook

When my son, who is now 15, was in 7th grade, I became appalled by the amount of time he and his friends spent online. None of them had Facebook pages. All the timesink occurred via gateway drugs like Google Buzz and iChatting and other communication vehicles I had never heard of.