7 mins read

Bad Bedside Manner: Why Background Checks Are Important

I had to have dermatological surgery last week. I’m okay; it’s just another mole gone rogue. When my (new) dermatologist referred me to a particular surgeon, I didn’t question the recommendation. Come to think of it, I didn’t do much of a background check on my new dermatologist either, because she was in my insurance network.

5 mins read

One Mother’s Road To Choosing Adoption

Three years and two miscarriages after we had our daughter, we were at a crossroads.  Do we continue trying to conceive with more invasive procedures or do we pursue adoption? After a lot of talking and planning, my husband and I both decided it was time for adoption.  Quite frankly, I was reluctant at first.…

4 mins read

Is Your Child’s Summer Camp Safe???

Do you assume your childs camp is safe? Every summer we send our children off to what we think will be a fun and safe camp. Why do we assume the camp we chose for our kids will be safe? Have we asked the appropriate questions that would give us confidence in the camp? Most parents report being more concerned with what activities their children will be experiencing than the camps risk assessment for safety.