3 mins read

Eclipse Viewing Tips To Keep You Safe

What is the eclipse? A total solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly in front of the sun casting the moon’s shadow on the earth. Because of the vast distances between the sun, the moon and the earth, this shadow is only about 70 miles in diameter at the earth’s surface, and travels rapidly…

2 mins read

The Power of Mamas Pulling Together

Over the last two years, I have seen a lot of young women battle illness – yep, that usual suspect, cancer, hard at work. As I see them struggle with their young families, businesses and work obligations, it always leaves me wondering – how would I cope? Or more to the point – how would my family cope?

8 mins read

Royal Obsession: Will & Kate

One day. One short day! Those are the words I imagine are doing roller coaster loops in Kate Middleton’s mind right about now. She is set to marry His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales on Friday morning, making her the luckiest girl in the world, I’m pretty sure. If anyone is livin’ the dream right now, it is most definitely Kate Middleton.