2 mins read

Natural Arthritis Relief for Women

More than 60 percent of the estimated 46.4 million adults in the United States with arthritis are women. Women are more likely to report high levels of arthritis pain than men, more likely to be hospitalized for arthritis-related causes than men and more likely to cite arthritis as a cause of depression than men, reports the Arthritis Foundation. A combination of medication and natural treatments may be the best way for some women to manage their condition. Discuss your options with your physician.

3 mins read

Prenatal Health Care for Women

Once you know you’re pregnant, you’ll probably spend plenty of time preparing for your new baby by shopping for supplies, stocking up on baby gear and preparing your nursery. But one of the best things you can do for your developing baby is to make sure you schedule regular doctor visits while you’re pregnant so that you get the prenatal care you and your baby need. According to the March of Dimes, you can see an obstetrician/gynecologist (OB/GYN) for prenatal care, a family practice doctor, a certified-nurse midwife or other health professional.

3 mins read

Recommended Vitamins for Women Over 40

Women not only need different vitamins than men, but the vitamins they need change as they age. Certain vitamins help fight heart disease and some types of cancer, making these nutrients even more important to the body as a woman grows older. Whether or not increasing daily intake of these vitamins has a preventive effect against disease, supplementation may reduce the risk of disease in women who have an inadequate dietary intake of particular vitamins and minerals.

4 mins read

Drugs to Boost Female Sex Drive

Men have the option of using prescription drugs to treat erectile dysfunction, making it possible for them to perform in the bedroom. However, drugs to boost female sex drive are so scant as to be nonexistent. According to MayoClinic.com, the reason for this is that a woman’s low libido cannot be cured with a pill. Your desire to have sex depends on many different things, such as your physical and emotional health — and the strength of your relationship with a spouse or partner.