3 mins read

Chronic Tiredness in Children

Children can get tired quickly, whether from an illness, activity or a sleepless night. Children who are constantly tired for no apparent reason, however, may suffer from chronic tiredness. Children who are tired for more than 10 days should be seen by a doctor, according to BBC Health. These children require medical attention to determine the underlying cause of the seemingly endless fatigue.

4 mins read

10 Things I Want My Middle Schooler To Know

Middle school today, gone tomorrow, if only our sons and daughters could understand this statement. My son is in middle school and our lives have changed. Long gone are the days of color pages and birthday invitations. Just as surely as the seasons change, so do the hormones and the moods in our home now.…

5 mins read

The Stranger You Know: How to Spot a Child Molester’s Tricks

Think you would be able to tell if a molester was using deceptive grooming techniques to gain access to your child? In many instances, the red flags can practically be under our noses. Yet often, parents who learn that their child has been victimized will share the same reaction I had no idea He was so nice He didnt look like a molester.

2 mins read

Mood Changes in Elderly Women

While symptoms that include mood swings in younger women may be due to hormonal fluctuations, career pressure and family obligations, mood swings in older women often have different causes. The later stages of life affect individuals differently, depending on personal circumstances such as relationships and health issues. Mood swings in elderly women can be a symptom of an underlying illness.

4 mins read

Back To School Considerations That Are Often Overlooked

The verdict of my self-diagnosis: “Leaky eye syndrome.” You know, when water just seems to leak out of your eyes for no apparent reason, or so you tell yourself. I know my unofficial diagnosis is due to my eldest granddaughter getting ready for kindergarten. This grandma doesn’t want to see the loves of her life grow…