3 mins read

First Signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy

Possible pregnancy can turn you into a detective. You probably have not been so alert for signs and symptoms since you first suspected he had an engagement ring stashed somewhere. Women have many stories about pregnancy signs. Some women claim to know right when conception occurs. Tales of intuition are amusing but only facts help soothe an overactive mind. Some common signs of pregnancy might occur before you are late for your period.

4 mins read

How To Use Elf On The Shelf For Good

It's that time of year again... Soon and very soon in houses across the world, well at least America anyway, children will be waking up to an ornery little Elf that has been caught doing some kind of mischievous act. Oh yes, it's the only time of year that it is acceptable to teach kids…

15 mins read

How to Raise a Polite Child

Have you ever wished your little one hadnt blurted out that naughty word to his oh-so proper grandparents — an expletive he evidently learned when you accidentally slammed your finger in the door last week? Have you ever watched your child eat and, in horror, had to ask yourself, Did he just watch Animal Planet before this meal? Has your child ever done something so embarrassing that the only thing you can do is smile politely, apologize and glance around you with the I-want-to-crawl-in-a-hole-right-now look? Welcome to the club!

5 mins read

Are You a Spanker?

The other day I was at Target (shocker!) browsing through an excellent selection of eight dollar tank tops. They were the extra long style which I happen to need since I am in possession of a serious muffin top, yet I insist on wearing low rise pants.