8 mins read

Three Ways to Get Present and Cherish the Moments

Do you ever know how someone really feels? It’s hard to tell, as we live in a time of so much noise and distraction. People are tuning in less to each other and paying more attention to the technology, social media, advertising messages, the news, and other external disturbances around them. Being able to recognize…

3 mins read

Tips For Holding A Great Garage Sale

I held a garage sale last weekend and it got me thinking about what makes successful garage sale. Obviously, if you’re going to take the time to get up early and lug things out into your front yard, you want do everything you can to ensure that you hold a great garage sale.

26 mins read

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Introduction This Web Site is provided to you under these “Terms of Use” and any amendments or supplements to them that may be posted by Momenta, LLC (“Modern Mom”) from time to time (collectively referred to as this “Agreement”). Your use of this Web Site shall be deemed to constitute your consent to be bound…

9 mins read

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Welcome Welcome to ModernMom.com, a website owned by Momenta, LLC. This Privacy Policy is designed to tell you about our practices regarding collection, use, and disclosure of information that you may provide via this site. Please be sure to read this entire Privacy Policy before using or submitting information to this site. Your Consent By…