6 mins read

Making Holidays Easier for Caregivers of Aging Adults

When you think of the holidays, what comes to mind? If youre anything like me, images of happy families dining, laughing and giving gifts immediately flood your brain and give you that warm and fuzzy feeling all over. In the midst of coordinating travel plans, cooking and decorating, however, it can be difficult to find the right balance between seasonal work and play especially if you find yourself in the role of the family caregiver.

5 mins read

Taking a Family Approach to Health and Weight Loss

As a Mom if you put an emphasis on health it will motivate your children to eat better and be more active. Your involvement is crucial, and even better, get the entire family on board, engaged and focused on health. It changes the focus from losing weight to choosing the right foods and being active…

1 min read

#ModernMomMondays: Episode One with Dr. Jill Garripoli Pedalino

In this episode, Winnie chats with award-winning pediatrician and author of The Universe Is Listening, Dr. Jill Garripoli Pedalino about the difficult decisions facing parents who are wondering if their kids should go back to school during these exceptional times. Everyone agrees that there are no perfect solutions, but there are several safety and lifestyle…

3 mins read

Spring Allergies

After staying indoors for much of winter, spring is a welcome relief for most people. While the longer days, green grass and blossoming plants herald in the new season, they also bring the return of pollen. Spring allergies often occur because of pollen. If spending time outside in the spring makes your eyes start to water and your nose run, you may be one of the 40 million Americans suffering from springtime allergies.

4 mins read

Paid Family Leave Act – Act Now

Every day I pass working women in the supermarket check-out line at 5:30 pm on their way home from the office. I see them serving coffee at Starbucks and waiting tables while pregnant. I meet women in the office, in my community and at my daughter’s school, working moms who like the rest of America,…