3 mins read

Unacceptable Ways to Be Dumped

When we are young and in a relationship that is going south we accept certain ways of being told things are over. We hear it through a friend; we get a note in one of our classes or just happen to see the boy we love at the school dance with someone else. As we…

4 mins read

The Secret Benefits of Quarantining with a Newborn

Every day in the US, an average of 10,000 babies are born. Moms who give birth during this time are elated that they have accomplished one of life's best milestones. In the past, this would be a time for family and friends to pitch in to help and celebrate the joys of a new family…

3 mins read

Autism and the Stress of On Line Learning

Autism and the Stress of On Line Learning   My son’s senior year is taking place at home with online learning. His school is on a block schedule (Periods 1,3,5 on one day, Periods 2,4,6 on another day). The schedule was sent to every parent at the beginning of the school year, laying out exactly…

4 mins read

Paid Family Leave Act – Act Now

Every day I pass working women in the supermarket check-out line at 5:30 pm on their way home from the office. I see them serving coffee at Starbucks and waiting tables while pregnant. I meet women in the office, in my community and at my daughter’s school, working moms who like the rest of America,…