2 mins read

What Are the Pros & Cons of Taking Acai Berry?

Throughout the world, people consume acai berries in the effort to maintain better health. Acai berries contain high levels of antioxidants, which promote better health. In 2010, the most popular ways to consume the acai berry was in juice, carob bars or by just eating the berries. Those who promote the health benefits of acai berries believe there are several benefits to their use, while those who are not advocates believe there are certain risks involved in their consumption.

2 mins read

Amazing Acai Berry Muffin Recipe

International Families Day is this week! And if you’re like us, you want to do anything you can to show your family you love them. So why not makethese delicious, energy-revving, high-fiber acai berry muffins for your family to celebrate the day?

4 mins read

Does the Acai Berry Diet Work?

Numerous wondrous properties have been assessed to the mysterious, exotic acai berry, one of the more compelling being that it functions as a diet aid. Named by the Better Business Bureau as one of the “Top 10 Scams and Rip Offs of 2009,” an acai berry diet — whether you drink the juice or take the supplements — won’t result in weight loss.

2 mins read

Acai Berry Weight Loss Pills

Although health fads may come and go over the years, some foods do contain helpful ingredients. Producers and manufacturers of weight loss products often include acai berries in diet formulas and proclaim the benefits of these tiny fruits. Proponents claim these berries help treat a wide variety of conditions, including mild to moderate obesity. With the limited number of controlled studies involving acai berries, proponents have little scientific evidence to support certain claims. However, this plant may contain nutrients helpful to your health, according to MayoClinic.com.