5 mins read

Autism and Exercise During a Pandemic

Autism and Exercise During a Pandemic Parents and guardians have found it quite a challenge to find ways to keep their children active during a pandemic. School at home is a challenge all by itself, but how do these parents and guardians keep their children active? They understand that a Zoom school day means the…

4 mins read

A Birthday and Autism

My son just turned fourteen. Now, he’s a fourteen-year-old boy—which means he’s into his devices. He’s not very athletic, however he swims three times a week on a VIP swim team. He has played soccer, but I think his interest is waning. He also plays baseball and that he loves. He’s getting better every year.…

2 mins read

Gluten-Free Strawberry-Rhubarb Crisp Recipe

Thank you so much for joining me 🙂 I have a tasty treat for you today! Let us first take a quick moment to feel deep gratitude for the sun, making todays dish both possible and full of flavor. We love you Sun!It thrills me to share with you a gluten and dairy-free recipe for Strawberry-Rhubarb Crisp.Tart rhubarb paired with sweet strawberries, topped with a crispy crunch. Its a magical combination! Imagine …

2 mins read

What’s Your Coffee Ritual?

The following post is sponsored byStarbucksThis post comes from Reesa, founder of the parenting and family blog Momma Lew:It seems like memories are always made over a cup of coffee. And it seems coffee always is apart of some sort of ritual.My children and I have had a Tuesday morning ritual since my son was about 18 months old – So for over four years now. We love going to Pottery Barn …

3 mins read

How To Teach Your Children Good Financial Sense

Teaching kids sound financial habits at an early age gives all kids the opportunity to be successful when they are an adult. Warren Buffett April is Financial Literacy Month. Its also tax month and money is on the mind for most of us, for better or worse. Whether how to spend it or how to save it, money is in all of our lives, a connective tissue that directly affects our quality of life …