2 mins read

Bedtime Trouble? How to Keep Your Kid in Bed

Every night it is the same old thing. You put the kids to bed just to have them think of a thousand reasons they need to get up: to talk to you, get something to drink, kiss the dog, or something else. You find yourself doing battle on a nightly basis just trying to get them to stay in their bed. It can be frustrating, but you are not alone. Many parents have the same problem. In fact, a 2004 study released by the National Sleep Foundation reported that 69 percent of children between the ages of 0 and 10 have sleeping problems several nights a week. While it is a common problem, it can be stress producing. There are things you can do to encourage your children to stay in bed once you say goodnight.

8 mins read

We Survived Virtual Kindergarten!

We took three “First Day of Kindergarten” pictures this year. There was our son's first day of virtual kindergarten – August 24. Then his first day of hybrid kindergarten – November 10. Two weeks after that, we went back to all-virtual school. We started round two of hybrid kindergarten again at the end of February.…