1 min read

Finding Happiness: The Power of Connection

Similar to my son and I having regular Mommy-son 20 minutes, my husband and I do the same. Only our 20 minutes comes in the form of an evening soak in the tub directly following the kids bedtime. In that space there are no distractions. Simply the 2 of us talking about our day, about whatever is on our mind, about our dreams. It is 20 minutes of powerful one on one connection.

2 mins read

How to Connect With the Baby in the Womb

Holding your baby for the first time is an overwhelming experience, but you can connect with your baby even before she is born. Simply feeling the baby move inside makes many expecting mothers feel a bond. Prenatal bonding activities sometimes help your partner or other family members feel more connected to the baby. The bonding techniques might also help the expecting mom feel even closer to her unborn child. Your baby’s sense of hearing helps facilitate the bonding.