1 min read

4th of July Exploding Ice Cream Surprise

Practical jokes are always fun… especially when MOM is perpetrator! I decided to freak out my kids out a little bit by putting Pop Rocks as a dessert topping on their ice cream. It looked like candy sprinkles, so they were unsuspecting, but lo and behold, they ate it and started screaming and giggling at the same time! BINGO, score one for mom. So if you want to give your friends and family a fun 4th of July dessert, bring on the fire works with an “exploding” ice cream surprise! With just a little sprinkle, this sweet treat gives you a ton of bang for your buck!

4 mins read

At What Week of Pregnancy Can You Tell if it’s a Girl or Boy?

Many expectant parents are excited to find out whether they are having a baby boy or a baby girl. While some enjoy the surprise of finding out their baby’s sex at birth, others are anxious to find out their baby’s gender as early as possible. There are many old wives’ tales that are quick to offer a prediction of your baby’s sex, but with today’s scientific advancements there are many accurate ways to determine your baby’s sex as early as the 10th week of pregnancy.

3 mins read

50th Birthday Surprise Party Ideas

Ease the pain of turning 50 by throwing a loved one a surprise party. While planning a surprise birthday party is a great deal of fun, making sure it remains a surprise for the birthday person can be a bit tricky. Keep the birthday person in the dark by doing the party planning away from home and by not leaving any evidence laying about.

5 mins read

Boy or Girl? Pregnancy Myths and Facts on Which Gender You’re Carrying

Congratulations youre pregnant! So, are you having a boy or a girl? Everywhere you go, youll certainly be asked this question. Whether you decide to find out your babys gender as early as possible (hey, you may want to get a head start on choosing the right color paint for the nursery), or you decide to let your babys gender be a delivery day surprise, there are some facts and myths that can make the guessing game fun until you find out for sure.