6 mins read

Quitting Meat For A Month

It started out as a regular lunch play date with my friend and our kids… who knew it was going to be one of the last turkey sandwiches I was going to eat for a while, if ever again?

3 mins read

Side Effects of Starting Birth Control

Women have several options when choosing birth control, including hormonal birth control methods such as the pill, the patch, injections, vaginal ring, and an intrauterine device (IUD). Other popular types of birth control include barrier methods, such as a condom. Barrier methods may cause some women mild vaginal irritation, but there are usually cause few side effects. Women are much more likely to have side effects when starting hormonal birth control methods.

3 mins read

7 Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions

While most people don’t always manage to stick to their New Year’s resolutions, I am all for making goals and trying to reach them. What’s wrong with striving to improve your imperfections or change some bad habits?With that said, here are some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions I’ve come across and some advice on how to actually achieve them: