7 mins read

Piecing Together The Princess Problem

I am RIGHT in it people. Princesses, princesses everywhere. My newly-minted 3 year old is obsessed, and my 19-month old is following suit. (I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree… I literally thought I was Snow White when I was five. And Lord help you if you disputed me.)

3 mins read

How To Teach Your Children Good Financial Sense

Teaching kids sound financial habits at an early age gives all kids the opportunity to be successful when they are an adult. Warren Buffett April is Financial Literacy Month. Its also tax month and money is on the mind for most of us, for better or worse. Whether how to spend it or how to save it, money is in all of our lives, a connective tissue that directly affects our quality of life …

4 mins read

A Day of Firsts: When I Realized My Career is Coming in Second

The day I’d been dreading since I became a mom has finally come and gone. It took me two years to get there (as that’s the age of my oldest), but I’m now here. I’m okay, minus some shots to my ego and a few silly tears I shed just to release the feeling. I’m told that most mostly-stay-at-home moms (and totally-stay-at-home-moms) go through this.