3 mins read

Child Care Tips for Teething Pain

The UAB Health System cautions that teething typically lasts about two years starting when a baby is only five to seven months old. For many children, teething can be very painful and aggravating. As a result, many babies will begin to fuss and cry more than normal when teething. This behavior can upset the entire household. These child care tips for teething pain will help manage teething pain to eliminate these frustrating moments.

8 mins read

Turkey With A Side of #SportBits

Hello ModernMoms. Happy Black Friday! I hope your Thanksgiving Day festivities were stress-free and fun, filled with yummy food, family and friends. May I suggest avoiding the crowds and doing your sale shopping on-line? Grab your laptop and plop on the couch. Heat up the leftovers and turn on the TV in the background. So…

5 mins read

What I Learned From A Botched 1st Birthday Party

The following is a guest post by Amanda McClellan. Check her out at Moms Making It Happen. It was a day I’d been excited about, planned for, and mapped out in my head for at least 8 months or more. I had a perfect vision of what this 1st Birthday Party would look like. I had thought…