4 mins read

Autism and the Game of Objectifying People

Autism and the Game of Objectifying People   My son was very excited for our month long vacation to the Mid-West and East Coast this past summer. He had several reasons: baseball games, train museums, visiting relatives and friends, going to his favorite place (Bromley Mountain in Vermont), and attending Super Smash Con in Virginia.…

4 mins read

My Kids Aren’t Normal People When It Comes To Food

I keep waiting for my kids to become normal people when it comes to food. When my daughter was a toddler, everyone told me that is was normal for her to only eat bread and cheese and pasta; that it was one of those annoying, toddler phases that she would grow out of, like delaying bedtime or asking “why?” about everything you said. But shes nine now, and unless I missed the memo that the toddler years have been extended into the double digits, Im guessing its not just a phase.

3 mins read

Whatever Happened To Playing Outside in the Neighborhood?

This is a guest post by Kathy Chlan - check her out at Unfiltered Mom. In today's society, we are so concerned with raising exceptional, intelligent children. But as I sit here thinking, I realize something. We are consumed with perfection, that we have forgotten that they are children. Holy sh#t! What if our parents…

5 mins read

Sensory Difficulties in People with Autism

I found this list very helpful in understanding how a person can measure another personʼs sensory difficulties. It looks like good explanation of sensory processing issues for a layperson. What are sensory difficulties? Difficulties with loud noises, smells, being hugged, walking on certain surfaces, and having certain foods in your mouth are some examples. People…