6 mins read

Behold The Magic of The Six M’s

The following is a guest post by Jeff Lantos, a 5th grade teacher at Marquez Elementary School. This week my fellow teachers and I will greet our new students and begin implementing the lessons we’ve outlined in our plan-books.  Most of these lessons will focus on math and language arts.  In fact, most mornings will…

4 mins read

Who The Heck Is St. Valentine, Anyway?

As we were cutting out paper hearts and sprinkling glitter on my daughters Valentines Day cards this week, she stopped and asked me why we celebrate this day of love each year. I didn’t have an answer.What is the history of Valentines Day? Who was the fellow we call St. Valentine, and why do we send cards in his honor? After some digging, this is what I discovered: Who Was …

4 mins read

Since When Does Everybody Get To Join The PTA?

My parents belonged to my elementary schools PTA. Them and about five others. I dont what they actually did at the PTA meetings because they were held behind the closed doors of the faculty lounge that reeked of stale coffee, cigarettes and boredom.