4 mins read

My Daughter is the Pickiest Eater!

Parents with kids who eat anything thats served to them pat themselves on the back for teaching their kids to be good eaters. I, however, find myself constantly apologizing for my bad eater”–a child with very specific culinary tastes.

4 mins read

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

As I hauled our luggage out of the attic last week, I glanced at the boxes labeled Christmas with a black Sharpie. Those three boxes contain my entire collection of Christmas decorations. By most standards, its a meager collectiona couple of mangy stuffed snowmen holding dusty brooms, a few chipped Santa-head mugs, and one artificial tree thats probably infested with mites.

6 mins read

Turbulent Times

I dont like airplanes. You can lecture me on vertical velocity all you want, but it just doesnt make sense. Balloons float. A 200,000-pound hunk of metal falls.

4 mins read

Advice for Single Moms Dating…

Dating is hard. Period. I’m not saying that it isn’t worth it, I am just saying that it is hard no matter who you are or where you are at in life. And as a single mom, dating gets a lot more difficult. Over the years I have found a few ways to make the dating experience a little easier to manage.