4 mins read

Soothing The Frustrations Of Homeschooling During COVID-19

If it isn’t enough that we are going through a national pandemic, this pandemic is requiring us to isolate ourselves and our families and treat our jobs like extreme sports as we maneuver working from home. Adding fuel to this wildfire is the challenge of homeschooling your children. Homeschooling one child presents with its challenges…

8 mins read

We Survived Virtual Kindergarten!

We took three “First Day of Kindergarten” pictures this year. There was our son's first day of virtual kindergarten – August 24. Then his first day of hybrid kindergarten – November 10. Two weeks after that, we went back to all-virtual school. We started round two of hybrid kindergarten again at the end of February.…

12 mins read

Making Mom Friends During Covid-19

I’ve never had trouble making friends. In high school, I was that kid who bopped from group to group, never settling with any one posse, happily getting along with people from all different social circles. And then I got older. And then I became a mom. Our friends and colleagues were split… They were either…

4 mins read

Autism and On-Line Etiquette

Autism and On-Line Etiquette My son is an on-line gamer. Recently, he’s been playing this Risk-like game that takes place in Europe and can be a multi-player game. He likes doing the multi-player because he can occasionally get a player or two from Europe. The game can have up to thirty players at a time.…