5 mins read

Online Dating In Your Forties

Online dating sites are like virtual Amazon.com’s for finding a mate. There are all sorts of sites to find all sorts of people. There are sites for young people, old people, tall people, short people, religious people, people who are farmers, people who make a lot of money, people who don’t make a lot of…

3 mins read

Online Dating Love Tips

Individuals looking for a partner of the opposite sex used to head to a local bar and hope that the selections were good on that particular night. Today, love seekers have a whole new world of romantic options at their disposal. Many men and women, tired of the bar scene, have turned to the computer in search of love. If you want to let some love into your life, consider some simple steps you can take to both improve your success and ensure your safety.

3 mins read

Online Dating Red Flags

Online dating is becoming an increasingly appealing way to meet new people. Skip the expensive drinks and get right into the important questions all in a safe atmosphere. Who could ask for anything more? But no matter how well you screen your dates, there are still a lot of creeps lurking in cyber land. Recognizing common red flags will help protect your heart, wallet and life from these less than chivalrous chaps.

4 mins read

How to Find Out If My Husband Is Doing Online Dating

In today’s technological world many marriages suffer from a new form of unfaithfulness, online dating. Your husband could be glued to his computer for hours under the pretense of working while unbeknownst to you he’s actually meeting and dating other women. Some men cheat virtually, while others meet women online and follow through with actual relationships. So, how do you find out if your husband is doing online dating? Using a little cleverness and the following steps should reveal the truth.

5 mins read

How to Write an Online Dating Profile

An important part of searching online for a date is writing a compelling profile that introduces yourself to potential dating candidates. Your profile tells other members who you are and what you’re looking for in a date. Learn to write an online dating profile that targets the people you would like to date and increases your odds of a positive online dating experience.