5 mins read

Six Simple Food Tricks To Beat The Winter Blues

Do you feel a little bummed out in the winter? The two of us definitely favor the warm, sunny summer months and Tammy even named her daughter Summer, since we love the season so much. And in the winter we tend to feel less happy. It turns out, theres actually a reason why! When were exposed to sunlight our brains produce endorphins, our bodys feel good chemicals. In the winter time, with less sun, we make fewer endorphins and were less content.

5 mins read

Eating For Quality When Pregnant

There is a common misconception while pregnant, that eating for two means you need to consume more food. While pregnant you only need 250 -300 more calories then you do before you were pregnant. Chances are if you are eating a typical American diet you are getting way over the daily calories needed even without a baby growing inside. Instead of worrying about eating enough food, focus more on its value. Everything you put in your mouth goes right into your babys development, forming the structure from which they will grow. The healthier you eat the better you will feel and the stronger your body will be to support your pregnancy. You can shift your awareness simply asking yourself these two questions: How is this food feeding me? How is this fueling my babys development?

3 mins read

Breakfast Cookies with Banana and Strawberries

We’re the first to admit that we love sweet flavors as much as the next person-- and we definitely gravitate towards sweet over salty foods. Apparently, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, as our kids do too. In fact, if we want to be guaranteed to get Tammy’s kids out the door in…

2 mins read

20 Easy, Healthy and Kid-Friendly Snacks

As registered dietitians, our clients (and friends!) frequently request ideas for healthy, quick-to-make snacks that their kids will enjoy.  Here, we have a list of 20 kid-friendly snacks—and chances are you may have most of the ingredients in your very own kitchen!  To keep your kids satisfied and to prevent energy crashes, mood swings and…

2 mins read

Homemade Granola Bars

You pick the kids up from school and they’re starving – but you don’t want to feed them junk or ruin their appetite for dinner. So what’s a mom to do? If you want to give your little ones a healthy and tasty treat, whip up a batch of these homemade granola bars! Jessie Jane from Lilyshop shares a special recipe for a snack that’s so much better than the store bought bars! Ingredients