4 mins read

Five Best Practices for School Success

“You don’t have to make it perfect, but you can make it great.” – Alessio, my 5-year old son, advising his frustrated little sister on why her squiggly lines are okay in her first attempts at writing the alphabet

It’s back-to-school time again.  In families across America the homework showdowns have already begun.   Parents struggle with homework almost as much as kids do.  After a full day at school, it’s hard to get …

5 mins read

The 5 Moms From The Park – Which One Are You?

Ah, swings and roundabouts. You can’t get your kid to go on them, but once they’re on – they never want to go home. This is my daily playground saga: I drop my daughter off at nursery. She cries. I tell her I’ll be back after lunch then kiss her hand and ask her to…

5 mins read

Helping Your Kids Develop Creativity & A Lifelong Love of Learning

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” - Albert Einstein There is something beautiful and magical about childhood that unfortunately we push aside in the interest of “growing up.”…

5 mins read

Women, Money, and Why Asking for More Is Always a Good Idea

Boy oh boy. Microsoft's CEO Satya Nadella, a tech veteran but new to the big Microsoft job since February, really goofed last week at an Arizona tech conference for women. Maria Klawe, a software engineer, former Princeton department head, and member of Microsoft’s board of directors, asked him about the problem of women getting paid…