3 mins read

List of Fertility Pills Available Without a Prescription

If you are trying to conceive, fertility pills may help. Your doctor may write you a prescription for fertility during your check-up. You might not, however, be able to afford to see a doctor regularly or afford the prescription pills. You might not want the harmful side-effects of strong chemicals that are present in prescription pills. You can always opt for over-the-counter fertility drugs to boost your chances of conceiving. Consult with your physician about over-the-counter fertility pills.

2 mins read

How Can You Last Longer During Sex?

Sometimes, even healthy and fertile women and men experience unexpectedly short stints of sexual activity or just aren’t in the mood for love making, according to both MayoClinic.com and Discovery Health. Coming up with ways to last longer during sex can be fun and productive, especially when trying to create a baby. But keep in mind that some types of sexual problems need a doctor’s attention and that taking supplements while pregnant or using another type of medication is not a good idea.

2 mins read

Herbs to Increase the Sex Drive in Women

For centuries, Chinese and Brazilian herbal medicine have revered several types of natural remedies designed to boost female sexuality, according to both MedlinePlus and Discovery Health. While no herb is a guaranteed cure-all for sexual difficulties, sometimes drinking a cup of tea with a special remedy can enhance the blood flow to all parts of the body and increase sexual sensations and desire. But keep in mind that pregnant women, nursing mothers and women taking medication should not ingest herbs without talking to a doctor first.

2 mins read

Herbs that Increase the Sex Drive Naturally

Sometimes, men and women alike can benefit from herbal remedies that naturally increase sexual desire and ability, according to both Talk Sex with Sue Johanson and Discovery Health. But herbs are never a substitute for good overall health habits, including eating properly and avoiding use of tobacco. Also, some herbs may interact with prescription and over-the-counter medications, and thus shouldn’t be ingested without careful consideration.