1 min read

Nursing Mothers Granted Tax Break

Great news! Nursing moms are getting a new tax break from the IRS for breast pumps and other supplies. The same proposal was rejected last year because the IRS didnt think breastfeeding had enough benefits to be considered medical care. But, the American Academy of Pediatrics and other breastfeeding advocates fought for the proposal, citing the many long-lasting health benefits of breast milk. The IRS has changed their tune and will now allow mothers to count the cost of breast pumps and other supplies as a medical deduction.

2 mins read

Yoga for Pregnant Mothers

Prenatal yoga is an exercise option for pregnant women that is growing in popularity. Staying active during pregnancy helps boost your energy levels and may even relieve some of the aches and pains you feel. For those who already practice yoga, prenatal yoga is a natural continuation of that practice. Those new to yoga can also benefit from the activity.

1 min read

A Call to Mothers & Daughters: Love Your Body

Many of us struggle with loving our bodies. Our body is the precious vehicle of our soul. It holds our light. Do you want to change the negative cycle of self-hate towards your body? I will tell you how. Start by saying loving things to your body. I love you legs, I appreciate you. I…