2 mins read

Easy to Follow Mediterranean Diets

Mediterranean diets are rich in whole grains, lean protein and ample fresh produce. Red wine, olive oil, nuts and traditional cheeses add flavor and luxury. While many diets and weight loss plans are about deprivation, traditional Mediterranean diets offer health and weight loss benefits without extreme deprivation. Whether you are a devout foodie or just hoping to enjoy your food and be healthy, Mediterranean diets can please both your palate and your doctor.

4 mins read

Diets for Heart Patients to Lose Weight Fast

Having a heart problem can be scary. Being overweight with a heart problem can kick that fear into high gear and make you want to shave the excess pounds off as quickly as possible. Before you begin a diet aimed at losing weight fast, you should examine several options to be sure you choose the one that is right for you.

1 min read

Cholesterol Reduction Diets

When the doctor says that your cholesterol numbers are too high, it can set an alarm off in your head. Cholesterol has been found to be a precursor to blocked arteries, which can lead to heart disease and death. One of the first things your doctor will tell you is to change your diet to try to get your elevated numbers down, according to the Mayo Clinic. As of 2010, there was not a diet specifically aimed at reducing cholesterol, but there is a combination of tips you can incorporate to your daily food regime that can get the job done.

2 mins read

The Best Diets on the Net

Diets online offer you support, structure and meal plans, if you’re too busy to make it to in-person meetings. Diets on the net include all sorts of eating plans, including calorie-controlled plans, meal deliveries and lower carbohydrate diets. Look for an online diet that works with your lifestyle, eating habits and preferences. You should also choose a site with an easy-to-use website and diet-tracking features.

1 min read

Healthy Diets & Nutrition

TV, radio, magazines and the Internet constantly bombard you with information about diets and food choices. Though an abundance of healthy diets have been designed for your particular food likes and lifestyle, simply shopping with a strict grocery list filled with produce, low-fat protein and whole grains will help you maintain a healthy diet.