6 mins read

Navigating the 2024 United States Real Estate Market

The pandemic's far-reaching impact on economies worldwide has set in motion a series of events, including a surge in inflation rates and a rapid increase in mortgage rates. This economic upheaval has led many prospective homebuyers across the United States to bide their time, awaiting the right opportunity to venture into the real estate market.…

4 mins read

3 Financial Moves to Make Before You Buy a Home

Home sales in the U.S. are skyrocketing as interest rates remain at historically low levels. In fact, Zillow expects nearly 7 million existing-home sales this year—the most since 2005. With so many prospective homebuyers on the market, you too may be wondering if it’s time to take the plunge into homeownership. Before you begin hunting…

2 mins read

Cooking With Young Children

Cooking with young children proves beneficial in many ways. Children learn about measurements and learn to follow a specific set of directions. Cooking provides bonding time for parents and kids. It can even result in a lesson on cause and effect when the recipe doesn’t turn out quite right. Young children might eat more types of food when they help cook them. Children as young as eighteen months can assist with adding ingredients and stirring the mixture, making it an ideal activity for the entire family.

10 mins read

Father’s Day Gifts We Are Loving This Year

As moms, we may take on the majority of caretaking for our little ones but when we need the help and support, daddy is always there. Celebrate him as a father to your child(ren) and a partner in life. Here’s a list of gifts we’re loving this year: Foodie Daddy Sometimes, Daddy needs a bevy after…

6 mins read

7 Secret Ways To Cut Kitchen Cleaning Time in Half

It never ends, does it? The kitchen is never clean for long. And the sink is never empty. You wish you had a magic wand that could make all the kitchen messes disappear every night. Cleaning up the kitchen is a dreaded everyday chore. You can’t escape it. And if you declare yourself on cleaning…