4 mins read

Take a Deep Breath And Look at the Bigger Picture!

How many of you feel that you have so many different responsibilities in your life, that you cannot possibly make it all work. You may be focusing on work obligations while trying to keep your household up and running. All of this running around creates a feeling of hopelessness. I have seen it countless times with clients that try to do it all with enormous to-do lists, and in the end they feel like a failure. Sometimes I just need to remind them of the larger picture. When all is said and done, do you really think anyone is going to care that your home is spotless? Rather, what they will remember is how they felt in your presence, the memories you shared.

4 mins read

Cut yourself some slack!

How many of you feel that you have so many different responsibilities in your life, that you cannot possibly make it all work. You may be focusing on work obligations while trying to keep your household up and running. All of this running around creates a feeling of hopelessness. I have seen it countless times with clients that try to do it all with enormous to-do lists, and in the end they feel like a failure. Sometimes I just need to remind them of the larger picture.

4 mins read

Is Your Man Cheating? Beat Him at His Own Game!

Cheating husbands are ALL over the media and in the majority of cases, what goes down in your own home is very different than the way it plays out on Access Hollywood — thank goodness. Imagine being up for public consumption and opinion on top of all the humiliation? Here’s how to get the ultimate advantage when your husband cheats.

3 mins read

Seriously, What Is with All The Husbands Cheating???

The word is out about us moms: Most of us, it turns out, do not like Tiger Woods anymore. Now, if you’re so over him and the collapse of his world, we’re sorry — but there’s something to be said for what’s happening out there, and that suddenly husband after husband is being caught: Tiger, Jesse James, and this week the husband of beautiful actress Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon, the mother of 2-year-old twin boys, found out her husband was having an affair for FIVE years. It’s like – WTF!? What is with all these people cheating???

4 mins read

Cut yourself some slack~

How many of you feel that you have so many different responsibilities in your life, that you cannot possibly make it all work. You may be focusing on work obligations while trying to keep your household up and running. All of this running around creates a feeling of hopelessness. I have seen it countless times with clients that try to do it all with enormous to-do lists, and in the end they feel like a failure. Sometimes I just need to remind them of the larger picture. When all is said and done, do you really think anyone is going to care that your home is spotless?