3 mins read

Why Do Moms Kill?

The American Anthropological Association calculates that more than 200 mothers a year kill their children. If youre like most moms, that figure puts a chill down your spine and leaves you hopelessly wondering why? It seems almost unfathomable that any parent could put their innocent child to death, but it often occurs in the wake of deep mental illness. Even so, many of these shocking cases leave psychiatric experts puzzled and left with only theories to explain the homicides.

2 mins read

How to Search for a Lost Family Member

Whether you wonder what happened to that cousin you knew as a child or are aching to reunite with your father, who has been gone for years, finding a lost family member can be challenging. When you develop a carefully planned strategy, you will increase the odds of finding that person.

4 mins read

Is Your Man Cheating? Beat Him at His Own Game!

Cheating husbands are ALL over the media and in the majority of cases, what goes down in your own home is very different than the way it plays out on Access Hollywood — thank goodness. Imagine being up for public consumption and opinion on top of all the humiliation? Here’s how to get the ultimate advantage when your husband cheats.