3 mins read

Excessive Thirst in Kids

Children often ask for something to drink as a way to get attention. Just as you get her to bed and settle down with a new movie, you hear, “Mommy, I’m thirsty,” but what happens when the thirst is real and unquenchable? Children develop excessive thirst for many reasons. Understanding the different causes of excessive thirst and what to do about it can help alleviate your concerns.

2 mins read

Her First Slumber Party

A girl’s first slumber party is a rite of passage because it means your daughter is mature enough to host friends for an entire evening. However, you must plan appropriate entertainment and refreshments for the grand event to make sure the girls do not get bored or irritable. Set a budget, discuss ground rules with your daughter and prepare for an unforgettable event.

2 mins read

Pregnancy First Trimester Screening

Pregnancy is fraught with worry–especially in the beginning. The first trimester screen is available between weeks 11 and 13 and will quickly provide information about your baby’s potential risk of many abnormalities.

2 mins read

Spring Garden Tips

Spring is in full swing, so here are some of my tried and true spring gardening tips to help get a jumpstart on your warm weather vegetables and herbs: Keep a garden diary.