5 mins read

The Worst Gifts You’ve Ever Received

They say it’s really the thought that counts, and that you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth… but what if that horse has really bad teeth? We’ve all been there – smiling through gritted teeth as we profess great thanks for a truly terrible present. Madonna famously had a meltdown when she was given hydrangeas (everyone knows she prefers roses!). The Trojans got a giant wooden horse that led to the destruction of their city. That was definitely a bummer.

4 mins read

My Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentines Day everyone! I hope it was dangerously romantic! Its 8:15 in my house. Im in bed David is passed out next to me, Shaya is in the middle watching Monsters and Aliens, and Im pounding away on my laptop writing this blog. Quite the lovers celebration, huh? Actually, Im not writing to complain, I had a wonderfully sensual Valentines weekend, which started Saturday morning and ended Sunday night!

3 mins read

Easy to Make Thanksgiving Table Centerpieces

The holiday meal takes center stage on Thanksgiving. Set the stage in a tasteful and simple way with an easy Thanksgiving centerpiece. Squashed between ghoulish Halloween and the gift-giving winter holidays, retail stores treat Thanksgiving decorations like unwanted dinner guests.