4 mins read

Healthy Kids Lunches for School

Lunchtime provides the opportunity for school children to refuel mid-day. By working to ensure that your kid’s school lunch is both nutritious, and delicious, you can increase the effectiveness of this mid-day meal break. Whether you pack a meal for your child, or he picks up his food at the school lunch line, you can make strides to promote healthy lunchtime food choices.

4 mins read

Want Healthy Kids? Serve Them Breakfast

The alarm didnt go off, youre late for work, the kids cant find their homework and your dog needs to be fed time for breakfast? No way! Yet, breakfast is the most important meal for children and adults. Research has shown that children perform better in school when they have breakfast. True to its name, breakfast breaks the fast of the night and gets the body ready for the day ahead. If you and your children are not used to eating breakfast, start slowly with just one item and work your way up to a more balanced meal. Eating breakfast is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and research shows there are many reasons to include breakfast.

3 mins read

How to Raise Healthy Kids

The key to raising healthy kids is teaching them how to make healthy decisions. To do this, you must be informed about health issues that affect your child and be willing to take an active role as a parent. Childhood obesity is the biggest health threat facing kids. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 16.3 percent of youth in the United States are obese. This causes alarm among health professionals concerned about correlations between obesity and increased risk of other diseases and conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, liver/gallbladder disease, sleep apnea/respiratory problems, osteoarthritis and reproductive problems. By following these steps, you can take action to stimulate healthy decision-making and prevent obesity.

5 mins read

How to Set Healthy Screen Time Limits for Your Kids

Parents primary technology concern used to be with the amount of time children spent in front of the TV, but now smartphones and portable devices make the amount of time your child spends in front of technology virtually limitless. Even though these devices can be very stimulating and engaging for your child, they may cause…