2 mins read

Glycerine for Flowers

Flower preservation is returning as a popular hobby. Some brides want to save flowers from their wedding bouquet. Gardeners want to decorate their houses with flowers grown in their own flowerbeds. Unfortunately, any methods for preserving flowers leave the flowers brittle. One method for preserving flowers that retains a more life-like appearance is to dip them in a solution of glycerin and water.

4 mins read

The Second Best Days Of My Life

One of the great joys of parenthood, for me, was being there as my babies began to understand the world around them. Things that were once just objects to gnaw on suddenly became objects of curiosity. People became interesting, dogs became the source of great excitement, flowers became beautiful and books became pages that sparked little imaginations.Every day brought new wonders and realizations, and with them, richer vocabularies, deeper conversations, more inspired creativity. I …

5 mins read

Helping Your Kids Develop Creativity & A Lifelong Love of Learning

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” - Albert Einstein There is something beautiful and magical about childhood that unfortunately we push aside in the interest of “growing up.”…

3 mins read

Valentine’s Day Gifts For Moms Who Hate Flowers

I spend most of the year pretending to be selfless and non-materialistic, blah blah blah, but if I’m being honest, every once in awhile I want to open up a pretty box and find an awesome present inside.Which leads us to my big Valentine’s Day confession: I get SO bummed out when my significant other gives me flowers. They die in like two days, they’re messy and I’m just not …