3 mins read

European Baby Names

Naming your baby is often a stressful task, particularly if it is your second or third child. Many parents choose to carry on family traditions by naming their baby after an older relative, but frequently find the name too old-fashioned for their taste. If your heritage lies overseas, look to one of the European countries for inspiration. Agata, for instance, is the anglicized version of Agatha, while Jacopo is the Italian form of Jacob or James.

1 min read

Women With Less Money Are Having More Kids

Poorer women are having more children than wealthier, corporate women, a gap that has widened significantly over the past five years, Slate Magazinereported, citing a Guttmacher Institute study. Additionally, Slate cited another study, from the Center for Work-Life Policy saying that the rates of childlessness among corporate professional women . . . are higher than the childlessness rates of some European countries experiencing fertility crises.

5 mins read

France Stands Strong on Burqa Ban

A “burqa” is an enveloping outer garment worn by women in some Islamic traditions to cover their bodies in public places. The burqa can refer to the woman’s loose body-covering plus the head-covering and face-veil, but is more generally understood to refer to just the head-covering. I, like many others, have seen women wearing these pieces, but have never truly understood their significance. I always assumed they were a vestige of cultural and religious tradition, and I never expected them to be at the root of such uproarious controversy. But since France’s recent ban of most types of face-coverings, these little pieces of fabric have spurred other European countries to consider similar laws and inspired fear in French Muslims that the rule will permanently stigmatize them.

3 mins read

Healthy Drinks During Pregnancy

Once you learn you are pregnant, you start worrying about how your choices will affect the baby growing inside of you. It’s important to eat healthy throughout your pregnancy, and your drinks play an important role in this. Choose the healthiest drinks during your pregnancy to keep you and your baby hydrated.

5 mins read

Where Does Halloween Come From?

My very inquisitive six-year-old asked me why people dress up on Halloween. I was stumped. I am usually a reasonably informed mom with a quick story about all the cool things in history that have formed our current day celebrations. But not this time I didnt have any answers!