9 mins read

Let’s Change The Way We Talk About Rape

I hate using the word rape.  When I think of rape, I think of a woman being viciously attacked and forced upon. That's not my story. My story is much different.  It happened when I was twenty, freshly transplanted from Canada to the Bay Area.  Lonely and eager for friends, I found a welcoming group that loved…

4 mins read

Importance of Groundhog Day

For the past several decades, Groundhog Day has held a place as a legitimately celebrated holiday on the North American calendar, thanks in large part to the tradition of Punxsutawney Phil, the famous Pennsylvania groundhog. Over the past 125 years, since 1887, on Feb. 2 Phil has predicted the weather for the second half of the winter, according to folklore and his handlers of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club. Why is Feb. 2 celebrated as Groundhog Day?

2 mins read

Leaving Arizona

An article from Traveling Pat! Patricia is a regular contributor. She has an adventurous spirit with a love for travel. Follow along with Pat as her journey takes her around the world.