3 mins read

The President’s Volunteer Service Award

2024 President Volunteer Service Award We are pleased to share and announce!   ModernMom is honored to serve as a Certifying Organization for the President's Volunteer Service Award.   The President's Volunteer Service Award provides ModernMom with an opportunity to pay tribute to and celebrate our exceptional volunteers while acknowledging the significant difference they create.…

6 mins read

Children With Special Needs: Handling the Loss of a Service

Our child will lose a service at the end of February. We are mourning this upcoming loss. I am especially upset by it, not only because my child is losing the structured opportunity to play with a child who has become his friend over the last two years, but also by the way it all came about. The facility notified me in November that my child’s funding had lapsed. To my astonishment, my child had been on a 30 day contract during that month.