5 mins read

Autism and the 2020 Election

Autism and the 2020 Election For me, it’s hard NOT to think about the upcoming election… it’s today! However, this is a blog about autism. So, can I connect the two? Let’s try. How am I feeling about the election? Very nervous. I have disliked the current administration and I want them voted out. I…

3 mins read

The Most Important Senate Bill You’ve Never Heard Of

Nothing beats childcare as a bore-everyone-to-tears parenting subject. Long wait-lists; caregiver-child ratios; the pros and cons of in-home versus institutional care; the prevalence of germs; late fees; how to certify employees.When that positive pregnancy test sent you over the moon, did you ever think your joy would be reduced to this?When it comes to childcare, the details verge on grim.Unless it is your child who is being cared for.Then there are …

5 mins read

My Family’s First Road Trip

When I was a teenager, our family used to make the eighteen hour drive from Pennsylvania to Florida ever year for winter break. Wed pile our suitcases in the trunk, wed load up with books and snacks, and my brother and I would cram into the backseat of my dads car, arm rest down in the middle like our own, personal, Berlin wall.

3 mins read

Why I Hate Bristol

Back in 2008, when Alaska Governor Sarah Palin hit the international media scene as John McCains photogenic running mate, I was a brave, lonely voice among feminists and Democrats. I went on the Today Show to explain, rather heroically I thought, that there was a lot to like about Palin.