3 mins read

How to Stop Teen Drug Abuse

Teen drug use is an unfortunately prevalent problem. As Students Against Drunk Driving reports, 50 percent of all teens have tried a drug before the time they graduate high school. This usage statistic may make it seem an unstoppable problem; however, there are some things you can do to decrease the likelihood that your teen will fall into the trap of drugs. While nothing you do can ensure that your teen stays drug free, intervening early in your child’s life can make a large difference and may keep her off the drug-laden path.

3 mins read

My Child Is Very Shy

While some kids exhibit a willingness to approach anyone and discuss anything, others seem to avoid strangers and even casual acquaintances altogether. Many parents of overly shy children wish that their tentative kids would exhibit more gregarious behavior; however, shyness might not always be a fault. Before you waste time worrying about your tot’s behavior, consider whether his shyness is really a problem at all.

2 mins read

Natural Remedies to Increase Sex Drive

Sometimes, romance takes a back seat to everything else. Sexual interest, also known as libido, tends to wax and wane throughout life. Certain situations and conditions, including relationship issues, fatigue, medications and medical diseases, can contribute to fluctuating sex drives in both men and women. Hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy or menopause may also alter your sexual appetite. If low libido causes distress for you or your romantic partner, natural remedies may increase your sexual interest and help put you back in the mood for sex.