7 mins read

Autism and the Future of Education in the United States

Rant alert. Last week, the new government confirmed, by a historic tie-breaking vice presidential vote, the nomination of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education. Educators, teachers unions, parents, and especially the special needs community were fearful of this woman’s confirmation. Now, it has happened. In my opinion, this is yet another low for a new…

6 mins read

Don’t Diss College Relationships

The New York Times ran an article on Sunday about the rampant hookup culture in college. And while hooking up in college is nothing new, the surprising finding of this article is that more and more, hooking up – in place of actual relationships – is being driven by women.

3 mins read

This Year at the Autism Walk

My walk this year for the Los Angeles Walk Now for Autism Speaks was very different. How was it different? For the last seven years, I had been the Volunteer Chairperson for the LA walk. I had been responsible for the coordination and implementation of approximately 250 volunteers each year. This walk, I took a…