3 mins read

Are Chinese Mothers Really Superior?

“A lot of people wonder how Chinese parents raise such stereotypically successful kids. They wonder what these parents do to produce so many math whizzes and music prodigies,” writes Amy Chua in her provocative new book ‘Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother’. “Well I can tell them because I’ve done it.” And, with that statement, Chua sparked a rather heated debate about whose parenting style is best – Eastern or Western mothers?

5 mins read

Do You Need a Dose of C.T.F.D?

After surviving another holiday stressmas season, my New Years Resolution is simple: Im adopting the new parenting approach experts call CTFD.CTFD was first endorsed by parenting authorities this past summer. Especially now that my kids are teenagers, I see the wisdom of CTFD, or Calm The F*ck Down.Most parenting advice focuses on kids. This is a real problem. Kids are fine as is. Its parents who clearly need help …

2 mins read

Girl’s Costume Ideas

Whether you want to pick an original costume for Halloween or your daughter just likes to dress-up, you can find, assemble or make a variety of fun girls’ costumes. Brainstorm with your daughter, making a list of potential funny, scary, fantastical or beautiful costumes. You can even add a personal touch to a packaged costume or a hand-me-down by embellishing it with a new wig, hat, funky jewelry, striped stockings or face paint.