7 mins read

10 Ways To Save On Back-To-School Shopping

A new school year is starting up… are you ready? With a troubled economy and the cost of many family necessities on the rise, most of us are looking for practical and easy ways to cut our spending this fall with our back-to-school shopping list. Did you know that the back-to-school season is the 2nd largest consumer event behind the holidays?

5 mins read

How Not To Send Your Kid To College

For those of us with teenagers heading to college, August can feel a little crazy making. Especially if it is our first, or only, child who is leaving home. For parents of girls heading to college, I’ve heard it’s a chaotic month of shopping at Target and Bed Bath and Beyond to fill lists of…

4 mins read

Living With Celiac Disease – Interview With NCFA’s Alice Bast

What if foods you love and eat every day were depriving your body of vital nutrients? Headaches, diarrhea, bloating and constipation that prevented you from functioning at work, going out with friends and living your life. According to a story by ABC News, it was just a few decades ago that seeing a patient with Celiac disease was like seeing a unicorn. But today, Celiac disease and its symptoms (all three hundred plus of them) are very real. What is Celiac Disease?

6 mins read

Kids Say the Darndest Things…

Out of the Mouth of Babes: And by babes, I mean the small versions of Al Bundy that run through my house with their hands down their pants and use farting as their second language. So these two cuties, and really they are cute, have been slaying me recently with their pearls of wisdom of which I will now share with you.