2 mins read

Potato Chive Soup Recipe

One of the most rewarding things about learning to garden is seeing the plants thrive.Although Im a beginner gardener, I’ve learned that chives are such a hearty plant, and seem to flourish with very little maintenance.My lovely friend recently gave me lettuce seeds which I planted in a pot alongside my chives. They are also doing well with very little care.Its amazing those little tiny seeds I planted with …

2 mins read

Banana Peanut Butter Bread

We feel like we adore peanut butter as much (if not more!) than our kids do. If you are like us, youll be happy to know that theres an entire month dedicated to our love! And rightfully so!After all, who doesn’t fancy dipping apples or celery in peanut butter for a delicious boost of protein and nutrients? Your entire family will eat this right up!In honor of this month being …