4 mins read

Cutting The Parental Cord

As a parent of a high school student, I’ve had a hard time navigating the balance between staying involved in my teenagers life and giving him the independence he craves.On the one hand, research shows that engaged parents have kids who are less likely to use drugs and alcohol and are more likely to do well in school. On the other hand, I sense that he is pulling away from me – indviduating …

9 mins read

My Mommy Mantra: What Were You Thinking?

Lately I feel as if not a single day goes by that I dont say to at least one of my children, What were you thinking? I swear it feels as if it is my mantra – in a one week period I found myself saying it at least once to each of my children.

5 mins read

#TikTokMadeMeBuyIt Favorite Viral Products

Welcome to our roundup of the hottest products going viral on TikTok! This week, we're highlighting items that have captured the attention of moms everywhere. These products promise to bring convenience, beauty, and a little bit of joy into your daily routine. Let’s dive in and see why these finds are just too good to…

4 mins read

6 Ways to Save Money on Activities for Your Kids

Raising kids takes a lot of time, patience, love, and- of course- money. It’s difficult enough to keep your child entertained but especially frustrating when you’re trying your best to stick to a family budget. Whether you’re looking to cut costs on activities your children are already in, or looking for affordable plans for the…