8 mins read

My Grandmother’s Stuffed Grapeleaves Recipe

I’m going out on a limb with this recipe… but if you’ve ever been inspired to try something different or eaten something in a restaurant and thought, I want to know how they make this, then this recipe is for you!! Everyones got their own childhood memories when it comes to food. For most kids in America their earliest or first memories in the kitchen are probably sticking their fingers in some sort of ooey chocolatey batter and licking the bowl clean or eating some raw cookie dough while Mom or Grandma was making some cookies.

7 mins read

Checking Up on Your Child’s IEP

Now that your child’s IEP is complete, what happens next? Your child now attends a public pre-school, kindergarten, or elementary school. The school knows you child has an IEP. Now, you need to be sure that your child is receiving his or her services since those services will no longer take place in your home (where you know they’re happening). You need to make sure the school is following ALL of the requirements of your child’s IEP. What can you do? How can you check up on your child’s services?