5 mins read

Why I’m Teaching My Kid NOT to Share!

People make a huge deal about their kids sharing. At any given time in any given playground you will hear a chorus of moms and dads yelling, Honey, share with your sister, Lucy, can you let that other little boy use your shovel? Ian, give your friend some of your goldfish crackers!

8 mins read

I’m a Big Fat Hypocrite!

I have a confession to make. I am a big fat hypocrite! I am against violent video games - but I let my 11 year old son play Call of Duty ad nauseam. I won’t let my kids (11 and 9) have cell phones - but they both have an iTouch with texting and FaceTime…

3 mins read

Yes, I’m Actually Excited for My C-Section

I think C-sections have gotten a bad rap. It’s not the real way to have a baby. The recovery sucks. You’ll always have a scar. True. True. True. But I don’t care. Didn’t the first time (a year and a half ago), don’t this time (2 weeks away).

5 mins read

I’m Scary and I Know It

I had an interesting conversation the other day; at my kids school, theres a fair every spring, and each family is expected to work at the booth for their kids class for an hour. The room parent assigns two families to every hour, then emails a schedule out to the parents in case anyone needs to switch. In