Do you appreciate all the things you do to keep your home running?
Do you appreciate all the things you do to care for the ones you love?
Do you appreciate your talent, your smile, your light in the world?
The more you appreciate yourself, the more joy you feel. Although we all love external appreciation and the way it can make us feel good, and smile inside and out. The real way to feel warm inside is to appreciate yourself.
Appreciating yourself is an invaluable gift you can give to yourself and to the world around you, because the more you appreciate you, the more love and energy you are filled with to draw from.
There are days when all of us feel unappreciated or unacknowledged. The true power in fixing this state of sadness lies within. Tell yourself all the things you are appreciative of. Acknowledge and smile, knowing you truly care about all the hard work you do. Then when you receive appreciation from others it is an added bonus, but you do not rely on it to feel happiness in your life!
You are amazing. You are appreciated. What matters is that YOU know that!
Take time to appreciate all that you do, all that you contribute, all that you are.
A very special Happy Birthday to my dear friend, Jessielynn! Love you!