You Won’t Believe The Poem This Teen With Autism Wrote About The Holocaust
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You Won’t Believe The Poem This Teen With Autism Wrote About The Holocaust

Megan Eisenberg is a thirteen-year-old with autism. She is a talented
artist. When I wanted to publish the print version of my book, “Two Years
Autism Blogs Featured on,” I thought of Megan for the cover art.
I was the first person to ever commission her work, and very proud of that fact.
She did an amazing job on my cover art.

Her talent knows no bounds.  

Below is a poem Megan wrote about the Holocaust. She recently read it aloud
at her Temple. According to her mother, Pam Eisenberg, the reading “made
several people in the audience cry.” It touched a lot of them. And, I know why.

I recently rewrote a Holocaust-related screenplay, so my head is in the
research and writing of my story. It’s one that’s close to my heart as well.

This poem was so beautifully written, I’m posting Megan’s poem here this

It is important to showcase the talents of autistic children. I hope you
feel the same way I do about this important work of art. 

I’m Scared by Megan Eisenberg

I sit alone in a dark, quiet room
not a peep could be heard
And suddenly a gunshot goes boom
I’m Scared.

I cannot make a sound
I sat with fear
The Nazis came in and what was found
I’m Scared.

They walk down the stairs
Every bit of my face in fright
They were as fierce as a bear
I’m Scared.

They see me in jail
I still cannot make a peep
They take me away
Like we were going to sail
I’m Scared.

I am awake and cold
Children were screaming terror and agony
I was in the ghetto, as my grandmother told
I’m Scared.

There were dead bodies, everyone laid
All pale as a pillow
Smoke began to instantly fade
I’m Scared.

A Nazi begins to pull me away
I scream, wail and struggle
The last day I will remember will be today
I’m super scared.

I stand alone steady and still
A Nazi right in front of me
He shoots his gun and being killed
I’m scared with all my might

He pulls me in the pile
With all the bodies there
I start to slowly close my eyes…
I am no longer scared.

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