2 mins read

2. What should I do to thank my kid’s teachers at the end of the year without spending a fortune?

·         Find out the interest of the teacher – and try to focus on what she personally likes.  Gift that reflect her interest are always welcome, mugs not so much.

·         Has your kid’s teacher been purchasing items for the classroom herself?  If so, give back to her with a gift certificate or gift credit card that can be used everywhere.

·         Have your child write a thank you note to the teacher telling them how much they liked their class and what they learned.

·         Write a personal thank you note to the teacher to let them know how much your child learned and liked the class.

·         If your teacher does not travel in the off months, you can give them a house plant, or something they can put in their garden; or tickets to the museum, a play, a concert, etc.

·         Find out if the teacher plans on traveling and where they plan on going.  Then buy tour books and maps of the area for them.  If it’s out of the country, maybe a translation dictionary would come in handy!

·         If your kid’s teacher likes wine, a nice inexpensive bottle would be nice.  If he is a coffee drinker, gourmet coffee assortment would be nice too (sans the mug!).

·         Since teachers don’t make tons of cash, perhaps you could put together a dinner basket – items to make up one dinner (spaghetti, sauce, parmesan cheese,  two colorful plates with matching large bowl, spaghetti utensils, all wrapped in a colander).

·         A yoga session, a half hour massage, a book from a favorite author would be nice.

·         Offer to help disassemble the kids room at year end and help pack up all the items for the next school year.

·         Give the teacher a custom basket – movie basket, school supplies, coffee, wine, dinner, bubble bath, special soaps, gourmet popcorn, etc.


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