The other day I experienced a great opportunity to work on myself, and practice acting with love. My kids and I were outside. While sitting on the porch in the glorious sunlight my daughter was reading a book about bugs, and my son was blowing bubbles. After a few minutes my son decided he wanted his bug book back, and began to feel really upset when his sister wouldn’t hand it over.
Tears began to flow and my son’s anger increased. He threw down his sunglasses, trying to break them. I could feel myself getting upset and about to react. I had just bought those new sunglasses yesterday because his old ones broke. After speaking with him and asking him to calm down, he threw his glasses smashing them hard onto the ground again. This is the point when I normally would have started yelling, but surprisingly by the grace of God a quote popped into my head.
“The reason that challenges arise is simple: to make you more aware of your inner purpose.” ~ Deepak Chopra, Twitter #SpiritualSolutions
Instead of yelling I asked my son to go inside and take deep breaths until he was calm. For some reason even though he was angry he listened to me and went inside. Immediately I wondered if the act of staying conscious and remembering Deepak’s wise words, instead of engaging in the instinct to react, helped us both. Either way it was a moment to celebrate.
“Love is the ultimate truth at the heart of the universe and transcends all boundaries.” ~ Deepak Chopra
We are one in this journey.
Who’s excited for Memorial Day Weekend? Because I am going to be busy partying like a rock star I’ll be taking Monday off. I might even get crazay and break out 2 containers of bubbles! The next new post will be on Tuesday May 29. Wishing you a wonderful weekend friends!
Share with me in the comments below – Are there challenges that have occurred in your life that have enabled you to live out your purpose? Do you celebrate the small victories? When you get angry do you yell or are you able to remain calm?
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